Monday, September 24, 2018

August 27, 2018
Dear Families:

We’ve had a great first 3 days of school!  The children have been given so many rules and a new routine to learn, but they are handling it well!  I see tired children by the end of the day!!

There has been questions about work coming home.  Most of the work we’ve done so far is work that stays here for now.  Starting next week the children will be bringing home lots of work they’ve been working on during the day!  Last Thursday and Friday was getting to know each other, rules and routines.  We sang songs, worked in the room, learned how to use the bathroom, drinking fountain and learned where toys go when we are finished!  We also did stations with adults in the hall, office, bus, playground, cafeteria and bathrooms to hear what is expected of us!  They had gym after lunch on Thursday and will have it today (Monday). 

Please make sure tennis shoes come every day to school! 

I neglected to tell you on Wednesday at our meeting that I’d prefer we didn’t have cakes/cupcakes for birthdays.  We are all on carpet in the classroom and it’s hard to clean frosting out of carpet!  Some suggestions are ice cream bars, cups, popsicles, frozen Gogurt, cheese & crackers, cookies, fruit cups. 

I have a red 3 ring binder that has no name on it—can you either email me or drop me a note in the morning if it’s your child’s ?

I’m very thankful for everything you’ve done to get our year off to a great start!!  It’s a lot of work!  I will be going through supplies to see who still needs what!  I had a few theme notebooks with no name.  If you know the color you sent in drop me a note!  I hope to get to it after school today!

We are reading books about starting school, colors and names this week.  We will read gingerbread stories on Thursday.  Next week we start our 3 weeks of the alphabet!  Please read alphabet stories at home too!

We have been practicing writing our names and numbers as well!  I will be printing a paper with their names on it—I will laminate it and send it home with a washable marker.  Your child will be able to practice their name using the marker then wipe it off with a paper towel or old sock and write it again!   I hope to have them done and ready to go home by Thursday.  These can stay at home as I will make a copy for here too!

More news to come soon…..

Thanks again for all you do!!

Educationally yours,

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