Monday, May 21, 2018

Week of May 21-25, 2018
May 22—Field trip to the Kettunen Center—All day –Leaving at 8:30 returning 2:30
May 24 LAST book order due!
May 25  Fun to be fit @ 1:30 P.M.  Meet us at the track
May 28--NO SCHOOL—Memorial Day
May 29—Kindergarten concert @1:30 P.M. in the auditorium.
June 1st—Track and Field (K-2—afternoon)
June 4-- dismissal at 11:35
June 5—LAST DAY for 2017-2018—dismissal at 11:35

Field trip is Tuesday May 22—we leave the school BY 8:30.  Please have children dressed for the weather!  They all must wear tennis shoes—no flip flops.  We do a lot of field and forest walking all day!
We will be taking our backpacks so please have an extra set of clothes in a bag in the bottom of their back pack!  Have sunscreen on them in the morning if needed!  We will return to school about 2:30.  They can bring a small water bottle—make sure it seals and their name is on it!
PLEASE check your child over for ticks once they get home!  We hope to NOT have any, but please be safe and check all areas!

Fun to be fit is the 25th—if you are coming, I will have a sign out sheet for you to sign your child out if you choose to take them home early.

Josselyn loves Cheetahs, the color purple and making jewelry.  Her favorite food is cake with cherries.  Josselyn’s favorite movie is Moana.  Her goals are to ride a horse and go to college

Reading this week (Wednesday-Friday) we will be finishing the rest of our station work that we started mid-week last week.

Math:  We will be introducing time to the hour and practicing addition & subtraction.

PLEASE send in all reading folders.  I will be filling them with summer things to do and sending home soon!
Children have access to RAZ kids all summer!

Thank you all for the baby pictures!  If you sent one in I have returned them to your child’s folder!

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