Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week of February 5-9

February 14 Valentine’s Day party 2-2:40
February 15:  Kindergarten Jump Rope for Heart 9-10
February 16 & 19 NO SCHOOL—President’s weekend
Feb 22:  ½ day—11:35 dismissal / 4-7 Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 23:  Dentist visit
MARCH:  Reading month—Fariytale/STEM theme

We ready about Rain and your senses. Smelling, seeing, hearing, touching and tasting it!

Letters:  Kk and ending ck
Sight words:  she & was

We have now learning 30 sight words!  The children have been encouraged to practice all 30 every night!

We are listening to small moment stories.  The children are thinking about small moments in their own lives they will write about the end of next week.

We will be measuring and using the pan balance.  Feb 7 we will celebrate 100’s day by making a hat with 10 strips of paper.  On each strip the children will make 10 things.  They have learned that 10 sets of 10 makes 100.  We will count by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100 using Jack Hartman videos.  The children love to count with his songs!  You can find him on Youtube! 

We continue to talk about winter weather and activities.


The children have learned to use a QR code to take them to a story.  The children are using RAZ kids, they can read at home as well.

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