Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week of March 6-10
March 10 Goofy dressing (mix-match clothing day)
                 Donuts with Dad
March 17 Chip & Dale –twin day—we could all wear our gray Kindergarten shirts
                 Donuts with Dad
                        Irish Dancers @2:00
March 24 Sleepy Dwarf day—PJ day!  Half day of school before spring break.

Attached you will find a parent survey.  Please fill out and return as soon as you can—but no later than Wed.  The class with the most surveys brought back gets an extra fun recess.   Send them back!  The kids would LOVE to have an extra fun recess!!!!!

Please send in a small flashlight with fresh batteries for your child’s book box for the month of March.  Also a very small stuffed animal. We will have special reading times with each throughout the month of March.
March is the last month for Pizza Hut Book-it program.  Send in February!!
  March Book it calendar will come back after spring break. 

READING:  The Birthday Pet.  We will learn about different pets and how to take care of them.
Letter: Gg (g makes 2 sounds) and can be found like g or g & Ww
SIGHTWORDS:  of & they
VOCABULARY:  responsibility, depend, compare, social
CATEGORY WORDS:  pet words
We are working on writing a new small moment story on something that has happened to us. We write in our journals every day.
Working on 3d shapes, counting by 2’s, 5,s, 10’s. Ten frames and subtraction.
Talking about dental health.
Learning about patriotic symbols and what it means to be patriotic.
We will read pet stories and watch a few animal videos at our break time.

Dianna has two goats.  She likes to play with frogs and she likes pink!  Her favorite food is fruit.  Her favorite movie is Frozen and her favorite book is Disney Princess Look and Find.  Her goal is to learn to read and play with her friends.

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