Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of March 14-18

  Thursday March 17—Wear Green!  Irish Dancers in the afternoon.
Friday March 18—Dress mix-matched. 
                              Donuts with Dad’s
Ms. Thompson gone for the day.
Monday March 21—DELAYED START

We are reading stories about pets.  Children will learn how to care for different kinds of pets—feeding, grooming, walking, etc. 
VOCABULARY:  Responsibility, training
SIGHT WORDS:  they, of
COMPREHENSION:  Character, setting, plot—reading a story talk about the characters, setting, and plot.  Make up a story using these 3 skills.

We will begin talking about maps—exploring the United States (the country we live in), state, city. 
We will also be reading some St. Patrick’s Day stories.

We will introduce subtraction.  We will also be making some graphs and looking at the results together.

WRITING:  We continue to write in our journals every day, We are focusing on using a capital letter at the beginning, sounding out words, using sight words we know, leaving spaces as we write a word and using ending punctuation. 

Unless our weather changes back to winter, children do not need to wear snow pants or boots for recess.  Most of the wet spots have dried up.  If it gets wet, the recess people put orange cones out to remind the children to stay out of the water/puddles. 

Friday I will not be at school.  I have family coming to town to help get my parents home opened up so we can move them back to Michigan for good!

FOLDERS:  Thank you for sending in a folder every day!  It helps the children keep papers organized and together so they don’t get lost in the transition from school to home or home to school. 

I am using folders for that purpose in the classroom for our writing and have been very pleased how it is working!  They take pride in keeping their work together! 

Keep on reading!!!  RAZ kids information comes home soon!!  We’ve almost learned all we can about it so they should be able to do it at home if you have Internet!


Week of March 7-11
Thank you for sending in stuffed animals and flashlights!  The children have had a great time reading to their animals and using their flashlights!  We are taking turns reading in the tent!  It’s been a fun Reading Month so far!

Please return the Parent Survey (GOLD colored sheet) Every child that returns it will get a new book from me.  If you have lost it –call, text or send a note and I will get another!  I have all but 6 out of 24!  If we get the most returned, we get a special surprise from the office!!

Remember Donuts with Dad reservations need to be turned in as well!!

March 17—wear green & we see the Irish Dancers in the afternoon.
March 18—Donuts with Dad (please send in your reservation form)

We are reading baby animal stories.  We will be discussing and describing various animals (do they have fur, wings, do they walk, hop, fly, swim, what are the same or different about some animals)

VOCABULARY:  appearance, behavior
CATEGORY WORDS:  Animal parts (fur, tail, wings, how it moves)
SIGHT WORDS:  for, have

We are practicing counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.  Looking at 3d shapes.  Learning about measurement and length.

Our March journal has us writing about St. Patrick’s Day and different things involving books.

We will be finishing up on patriotic symbols.  We read about camping.

WEATHER:  This weather has been crazy!  Cold then warm!  We no longer have snow on the playground but it is muddy in spots.  The children don’t have to have snow pants for snow—but if you want them to wear snow pants to be warm, please continue to send them.  I have suggested to the children to continue to wear boots until it dries up out there to help save their shoes from becoming a muddy mess!

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